I put that on my skateboard today. In case you didn't notice, the chord Gsus--when pronounced--should sound very similar to Jesus. And it's sweet that the sustained chord has a dominant sounding 4th, which is C... for Christ!
So I went to the skatepark today, my back is doing much better, praise the Lord; I've been praying a lot for it, especially since I'm leading a skate camp in a few weeks. I just read the book Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. I was talking to God when I was at Purdue last week, and I realized that I'd become kinda numb to all of God's immense majesty. When I'd hear about God's breathing of stars, His control of the waves and the wind, His incredible grace... it just kinda slipped past me. In a culture and society where we constantly are one-up'ing each other and working aimlessly to be clever and introspective (not always bad things), I've shuffled the greatest glory of all away as boring and run-of-the-mill. The Lord has helped me, and one way I was blessed was by reading that book. It takes work on my part, especially on some Sundays, to really revel and praise God for the absolutely jaw-dropping list of acclamations. He breathes stars! WOW; and He has stitched every hair into my body--on my arms, feet, head, everywhere!
I enjoy a poetic look into everything God has done every once in a while, but I realize that it does take some work (e.g. breaking down mental barriers that I put up) during worship/praise time in song to really let myself marvel at Jesus.
And so I was at the skatepark today, and it's the same skatepark I've "grown up skating," ever since I started a few years back. I always talk to people about going there, and they're all like,"Naw, I go there all the time, I'm bored." I, on the other hand, love skating it; it has everything I need: transition, quarter pipes, grind boxes, wedge ramps. It might be one of the best parks I've been to, too, I could skate it forever. Plus, it's the closest park to my house. I was practicing my mini ramp skills and I thought about what I had just learned: no matter how many times I hear that God hangs the Earth on nothing, it is no less incredible every time! And just like I go to the same skatepark, I still learn new tricks all the time and it is well-rounded for any skater, really. The same with God's majesty; we can think about it and get bored or just overlook it, or we can really embrace it and just stare in awe at it. Like a little child seeing fireworks for the first time, or a sea turtle.