I went on an adventure a week or so ago and discovered my new favorite bird: the red-wing'd black bird. I took some videos of it and have been memorizing its calls so I can know when it's around. It's standard equipped with a very distinct call, so I can acknowledge it quite easily. I've been to a few different skateparks within the last week, and I've heard the bird everywhere I go. I was at the new Noblesville skate park, and I heard a few red-wing'd black birds just trilling it up; it was great! It's a small way of reminding me that God is, in fact, everywhere I go--whether or not I recognize Him. It's been a good reminder as of late.
I sometimes find it hard to understand God's presence. I feel like when God enters a room fireworks should start going on, and trumpets should blast, and confetti should stream from my mouth, and there should be a delicious cake (preferably funfetti), and many other festivious things going on to announce the arrival of our great and glorious King! But alas, these things don't happen, that I'm aware of. I wonder how such a majestic and mighty presence can be so easily forfeited, all because my radar isn't tuned in to the right frequency. I want to know if Jesus shows up, wherever He is that I am too. I'm trying to figure this one out; but maybe there's nothing to figure out. I'm reaching, digging, surveying, preparing, latching, loosing, straightening, mustering, conceding, and grabbing all that I can--that I'm aware of.
I suppose I "expect" those things because that's how I would welcome a great ruler. I know that He doesn't need anything: not us, not possessions, not angels, not demons, nothing. But He freely gives to all that ask. I'm not sure that I'm entirely going to start asking for the fourth of july in my bedroom, but I wouldn't put it past me.
Here's a short video of me and my friend Steve Hill skating at the new Noblesville park (me: f/s noseslide shuv-out; steve: kickflip f/s board to wheelie stall; me: fakie f/s big spin). Steve's a great guy, and he's not a bad skateboarder either.
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