I went to the skatepark with my friend TJ last night. I never go at night, because the lighting there is not very profound. But I went, I figured I'd at least roll around and get some exercise. We got there, and within 8 minutes I had landed every major trick that I have in my proverbial bag. I was really quite astonished when I landed fakie f/s 360, fakie f/s big spin, b/s flip, f/s flip, f/s shuv, b/s shuv, kickflip, f/s half cab, b/s half cab, fakie flip, fakie 50-50 f/s big spin out, f/s 180, b/s 180 all out of the wedge ramp and practically in a row. Especially the fakie f/s 360, that was so much fun. I really wish everyone could experience what I do when I skate. It's so excellent when you're trying a trick and you land it perfect and roll away. You can't overappreciate going very quickly towards a ramp, throwing yourself in the air, turning, flicking the board, and then landing perfectly. I'm amazed that God made us with an ability to do this!
So after I had done all those tricks, this guy came up to me and we started talking. I have the Gsus chord on my board, so he asked about it, and I told him I'm a Christian. He said,"Really? Christian skater, huh? That's cool..." I politely corrected him: "Well, I'm a Christian that happens to skateboard." I asked him if he was the same, and he said that he's agnostic, that he at least acknowledges a higher being, he just doesn't know what it is. So we kept talking, and it was really cool to see God use my skating to give an inlet to talk to this guy. Who knows what will happen, I'm just really pleased to be used in a positive way at the skate park. So much crap goes on there, so much foul language that's demeaning to most living organisms, and so much anger and hatred. When pimps and whores, skateboarders and bikers really begin to see the light of the Gospel, it's truly incredible.
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