I was heading to my 3 pm Religious Studies class and I had with me sixty-five cents, with which I was going to purchase a can of cola (I was aiming for a cherry coke). I went to the vending machines just around the corner from my class room and pulled out my change: two quarters, a nickel, and a dime. Now, it's important to note that there is a machine that vends $1.25 sodas, and another across the way for the sixty-five cent colas. I took my change and mistakingly went to the $1.25 machine, and proceeded to enter my change, unaware of my error. I placed the first quarter in, and it was returned in the change cubby at the bottom of the machine. I checked the quarter and made sure it wasn't a fake, and placed it a second time into the machine. I heard something like the falling of multiple coins this time, and when I looked into the return I spied two quarters! Sweet, I thought, so I grabbed them. That's when I realized that I was at the wrong machine. I felt so silly; luckily no one was behind me.
I walked to the sixty-five cent machine and was surprised to find out that they raised the price on this machine, and maybe campus-wide, to seventy-five cents. And what do you know? Here I am, left my house with sixty-five cents, and came to the machine with ninety cents! Some people might think this is a stretch, but to me this demonstrates God's abundance. I had fifteen cents left over from buying a cola that I was really ten cents short of!
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